Saturday, October 27, 2012

It's been about two months... I apologize for my idleness. I guess it was because most of my life was just repeating itself in a cycle so there wasn't much reason for me to post anything. But now since my football season is almost over, I'm thinking more about what my next move is. After two years without playing hockey I decided that I haven't given up just yet. I have one year to train and get to where I need to be to tryout with confidence next year (senior year). Other than that, tomorrow in taekwondo I'm testing to get my blue belt. It surprises me because I started less than a year ago and have already advanced 4 belts. I'm not good at most things so I guess I'm not used to it. I'm going to try to get pictures of the test up sometime soon if I get any at all. But it is late so I'm going to stop typing now. I'll attempt to post more...